Extend the life of your webinars! Turn them into content that keeps working for you

How can you turn your webinars into content that attracts and converts your ideal customers? You know that webinars are a powerful marketing tool, but do you know how to leverage them beyond the live event?

Webinars can help you reach a wider audience, generate leads, and establish your authority in your field. They are a key part of most marketing strategy for companies because they offer a number of unique benefits, such as:

  • Global reach: Webinars can be attended by people from all over the world, regardless of location. This makes them a great way to expand your market and your influence.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Webinars are a very cost-effective way to reach your target audience. You can host a webinar for a fraction of the cost of a traditional in-person event.
  • Engagement: Webinars are a highly engaging form of content. Attendees can participate in real-time by asking questions and participating in polls and surveys.
  • Lead generation: Webinars are a great way to generate leads. You can collect attendee information during the registration process and then follow up with them after the webinar.

But what if you could turn your webinars into content that works for you 24/7? What if you could use AI to transform your webinars into different types of content that appeal to your audience and your goals?

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to turn your webinars into content using jetscribe.ai, and how this can help you boost your marketing strategy and your business results.


Organizing and running a successful webinar is hard and time-consuming. There are many factors to consider, such as deciding on the theme, selecting the right speakers, inviting the right audience, and ensuring the content is engaging and informative. But, then, what happens after the webinar is over? How can companies leverage all their hard work in organising and hosting webinars and expand their ROI by turning them into content for multiple marketing campaigns?

Usually, after the webinar finishes, the heavy 60-minute video remains available on their website, attracting leads and prospects to give their email to view it or share it with participants via email. But how useful is that?

Who has the time to sit down and watch a 60-minute video?

Jetscribe.ai is an online AI transcription tool that can help companies turn their recorded audios such as voice notes, podcasts, sermons, interviews or webinars into great content, transcribing it into text format, making it easier to repurpose your content for different channels. Whether you want to create blog posts, social media posts, or email newsletters, jetscribe.ai can help you do it quickly and easily.

How can I do it?

Jetscribe.ai uses the latest and best AI technologies from Open AI (ChatGPT) and Deepgram to provide the best solution for your audio transcription needs.

With its advanced algorithms, it can accurately transcribe your webinar recordings into diarized text format, making it easier to repurpose your content for different channels to save time and resources while creating high-quality content for your audience.

Simply upload your recorded webinar audio, and the tool can instantly generate for you:

  • Full-diarized transcription with speaker identification and auto-formatting
  • Overall summary
  • Key highlights
  • Discussion points
  • Follow-up email
  • Social media, LinkedIn, X (twitter) posts
  • Blog posts
  • And more…

One of the most important features is the ability to manually edit the text, including fixing any errors in words and names. This way, you can make sure your transcripts are accurate.

You can also choose the text length and tone of voice for each generated content. This allows you to tailor the transcripts to your specific needs and audience.

Once you have created a transcript, you can easily copy it, export it to a file, or share it via a unique hyperlink. This makes it easy to share your transcripts with others or to use them in other applications.

Simple and easy.


Checkout this example of a Webinar promoted by Brevo:

Click below to see the public share page containing the actual transcription, summary, highlights, outline and discussion points that can be enabled for each processed file:


In summary, turning webinars into valuable content is an excellent way for companies to reach a wider audience and establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry.

Using jetscribe.ai, you can save time and resources while creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. So why not give it a try? Increase the ROI on your webinars by repurposing them into rich content for your audience and prospects.